On January 12, 2016 by Henri Snel

Workshop about mobility and the future with Beta-office

We (Gus & Evert from beta-office.com) proposed a study for receiving a research grant from the Stimuleringsfonds Architectuur, titled ‘Imagining the selfdriving city’.

For this workshop the goal is to create a product at the end of the week which can be displayed (or serve as base) at the ‘uncut’ exhibition in three months.
We discussed this morning that we will have the students present an A2 (one or more) formatted strong ‘piece’ every day, which is presented in the morning.
Effortful production (of the pieces) is holy as reflection in groupform is only interesting when there is feasible products to react on (as a rule to get as much as possible from the week).
The groups are made on day 2 and stick to their chosen domain. A seamingly complex jump is made the next day where they take over the work from another domaingroup. We hope to get an interesting crosspollination by doing this and create a clash in ways to look at the same area, but from a different angle.
Program in short is:

Day 1, Tuesday:
-three domains to research the possible impact of automated mobility(spatial, socio-economic, technical)
-students are divided in the tree domains (groups of 6-7) to discuss for an hour
-after discussion they have the afternoon to produce the A2 piece (2D) for the next morning
-individual work

Day 2, wednedsday:
-presentation (3mins student, 3-5 mins reaction)
-groups of 2-3 students are made from the same domain (so the discussion keeps going into depth of this theme)
-areas in the city are assigned to the groups to research and apply their domain-insights to (i.e. nieuw west for a socio-economic domain group).
-A2 piece (2D) for next morning can be a map, collage, design, render, axo, photoshop, diagram etc.
-product is on urbanistic scale level (area to be determined with tutors)
-groupwork (2-3 students)

Day 3, Thursday:
-presentation (6 mins groups, 12 mins reaction)
-groups are re-assigned an area where a previous group has made their insights on their domain.
-the groups will take the insights as a base and go more in depth/zoom into the urbanspace, but from the perspective of their own domain (i.e. the nieuw west / socio-economic domain group will go into the centre and take over from the technical group there and use the insights of that group as much as possible and reflect it on their own domain).
-again A2 formats are used (2D but 3D or use of other media like model, film, projection, installations is encouraged)
-scale will be on street/building level (area to be determined with tutors)
-groupwork (2-3 students)

Day 4, Friday:
-the A2 pieces are mounted on wooden plates and tables are made doingthis. We have to see on Thursday morning what we will exactly do with the produced pieces of the days before, together with Henri an the others
-the students bundle the work of the past days in one complete installation.
-groupwork (all students)
-presentation of the final installation (form to be decided on Thursday morning)


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