Graduation projects

Tutor website: Arna Mackic
Tutor website: Bram de Jonghe
Tutor website: Femke Bijlsma
Tutor website: Henri Snel

graduation project_Henri snel

Graduation projects

Scale to be determined by student, choices are the scale of the detail, the building, the public space/or a combination of these

35 ECTS points


Educational philosophy
The student graduates after successfully completing two design projects and a written thesis, the subject of the thesis is intertwined with one of the projects. The graduation committee sets one design task while the student chooses the other. The student formulates the assignment and research question, proposes a plan of action, justifies and argues their choice. In their graduation plan they argue their choice of design project and the subject of their thesis, whose subject is connected to one of the two design projects, and they describe their plan of attack.

The free choice design project
Come up with a convincing design concept based on examination of the context, requirements and self-formulated design brief. Develop the concept into a complete, complex and layered project that exemplifies the craftsmanship, realism and authenticity. Demonstrate the steps undertaken within the design process to the tutors and present clearly. Show independence and control over the design process throughout the project, and argue the choices made. The materialisation and detailing of the final object or design must be of high aesthetic value. During the prototyping of an object business aspects are also discussed. Sometimes there is a need to arrange for financing, or their needs to be a negotiation with potential suppliers and/or manufacturers.

The set design project
The graduation committee reveal the topic of the set task each year at the start of the graduation year. This project falls under the broader theme of inter-architecture and is specified partly in response to current events. The same conditions and requirements as in the free choice project apply here as well.

The independent execution of a complex project based on their own graduation plan; be accountable for choices made; interpret and convert requirements, program and context into a feasible spatial project; achieve depth in a long term project; materialisation of the project including every detail.
Besides the professional growth at the Rietveld Academie the student also grows in independence and individuality. The skills, knowledge and methodologies, which are acquired independently and in conjunction with the graduation project and thesis, become visible.

Design project to be completed individually, supervised by several tutors. The graduation plan forms the basis of the final projects. The projects are exhibited in the graduation exhibition after approval by the graduation committee. This will be designed by the first year students (refer Graduation Exhibition assignment) and in consultation with fellow graduates.

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