Socratic dialogue

Tutor website: Puck van Dijk

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Socratic dialogue

Group sessions

The Socratic dialogue is a methodological and philosophical approach to conversations.

2 ECTS points

Educational philosophy
The Socratic method focuses on the value of dialogue (a shared understanding is constructed by collaborative dialogue) for questions that have no obviously right or wrong answer, and it assumes that people already have the answers they need within them and that all they need is to be challenged to look deeper and longer in order to discover them.

In these sessions you will take part in a Socratic dialogue in which we strive for shared thinking and a deeper understanding of the presuppositions and beliefs that form our thoughts. The goal of the sessions is to get acquainted with the method of the Socratic dialogue, understanding how it works and being able to guide a conversation yourself.

It raises the virtues of patience, tolerance, attentiveness, thoughtfulness and civility in group conversations. This can be a helpful tool during work meetings and/or discussion with clients or fellow students. It also places more value on the synthesis of a plural experience to capture the truth – and therefore greater universality – than on the reflections of any single intellect, no matter how great in stature.

No individual assignments.

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