Website refugees from the street
See for updates and more information about the refugee camp the website
The council has adopted a motion from Mayor Van deer Laan, he is dedicated to the people and involved in consultation to go to a humane solution, is explicitly mentioned as VVdS party.
Up to this moment we have not heard anything.
During the 4th workshop DesigntheFuture 11/11/12 Representatives from the camp the points from which they are formulated with Van der laan a building to negotiate (it involves things like: stay together, stay visible, guaranteed safety, possibility to work, health, etc.). This is what they are now in the camp with the whole group by speaking. Then they will also have five representatives for the delegation with VdL talk.
Meanwhile, the (immigration specialist lawyer) Arie van Driel the Presidency of the foundation io accepted. Thomas Spijkerboer is Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Jan Pronk, has joined the board of recommendation.
There is also a notary as sponsor found to be the foundation deed will ratify.
There are now contacts with Refugee Netherlands about the possibility to work together.